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Special assets
Name Special assets Segments FacNais FacNais Rel. CRsev DMsev DSsev FOSsev ISEVR ICRCjbf CONFjbf IABjbf Avel Alait IVMAT
OBI Male Sexed Semen ssm 113 0.99 104 106 107 107 113 103 110 107 98 107 113
JEUNOT 110 0.94 102 97 105 98 105 110 107 112 104 107 107
POWEL 108 0.95 108 107 96 103 113 100 105 102 112 107 116
PICROSS PP Polled homozygous schm 103 0.62 100 109 96 100 105 114 111 112 98 105
RISOTTO Female Sexed Semen ssf 104 0.97 101 100 113 102 104 113 101 112 126 115 113
LIVERPOOL 96 0.98 106 109 110 100 109 115 103 115 102 107 112
LOVE P Polled heterozygous scht 109 0.99 109 101 105 85 112 111 97 108 102 116 118
MIQUELON 100 0.95 108 91 125 78 105 114 94 110 101 94 99
MIROBOLANT 112 0.96 100 110 93 108 110 103 106 105 108 110 114
LEBONVO 105 0.99 110 106 104 103 115 115 107 116 110 105 115
MON CHIC 101 0.98 108 109 101 103 112 114 105 115 102 102 112
LELURON 110 0.98 91 107 92 105 99 93 106 97 97 118 109
JOGGING 117 0.99 96 105 94 102 106 94 105 97 96 111 110
IMBATTABLE 98 0.99 107 99 111 89 105 114 99 112 118 98 105
NOZAY 100 0.98 109 104 112 97 111 102 92 98 111 102 110
MISSISSIPI 104 0.98 105 101 113 98 108 105 102 105 103 103 107
OBISPO PP Polled homozygous schm 112 0.99 84 99 83 114 89 86 101 88 103 111 97
RIBOUL P New Female Sexed Semen Polled heterozygous new;ssf;scht 102 0.97 110 102 114 97 112 113 101 112 104 101 110
NOCORN PP Polled homozygous schm 117 0.98 92 78 105 109 90 98 87 93 111 93 86
NOBEL PP Polled homozygous schm 104 0.99 110 104 120 97 114 113 101 111 112 99 110
ORAGE P Polled heterozygous scht 122 0.98 80 98 88 127 89 90 107 95 100 114 98
PADCORN PP Polled homozygous schm 92 0.97 110 111 102 107 111 106 104 107 112 102 112
ADONIS-LP 89 0.90 108 98 109 83 102 75 94
NEYMAR P Polled heterozygous scht 102 0.97 95 102 101 116 97 100 96 98 102 97 96
INDOU PP Polled homozygous schm 108 0.99 107 96 103 99 108 106 103 107 97 103 107
IMPERATOR 111 0.99 86 79 98 109 81 82 94 82 80 90 76
IMPRO 114 0.99 89 93 96 105 93 87 95 86 92 106 96
MEDUSOR 100 0.95 100 100 109 100 101 103 96 101 105 101 101
MUSCLOR 97 0.99 113 125 104 125 124 111 115 117 102 92 117
TABARLY New Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen new;ssm;ssf 107 0.60 110 126 104 109 125 111 102 110 123 109 129
RAMO PPX Polled homozygous schm 104 0.65 108 114 89 114 116 104 105 98 105 116
SIROCCO P New Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen Polled heterozygous new;ssm;ssf;scht 120 0.60 99 104 100 118 110 101 109 105 109 106 111
POKEMON 89 0.96 115 127 112 119 123 119 117 125 117 88 115
NUAGE 114 0.97 105 103 108 95 112 101 94 98 108 105 113
PIRATE Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen ssm;ssf 117 0.97 96 105 99 100 106 106 107 108 107 110 111
REVE 93 0.97 111 129 100 109 122 111 114 116 119 104 124
SIRIUS P New Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen Polled heterozygous new;ssm;ssf;scht 118 0.60 106 108 96 112 117 108 108 110 109 102 115
NEWMAN P Polled heterozygous scht 120 0.99 106 106 101 93 117 103 99 102 102 105 117
IDYLLE 113 0.98 106 100 98 95 111 106 102 106 92 99 107
MESSMER 106 0.99 109 105 105 100 113 118 101 117 114 119 122
NOUNOURS Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen ssm;ssf 111 0.99 104 104 104 101 110 107 99 105 112 104 111
OURASI 98 0.96 109 114 101 96 114 110 108 112 118 98 113
RONAN New Female Sexed Semen new;ssf 110 0.95 100 93 113 102 102 100 90 95 116 111 107
LEMON P Polled heterozygous scht 103 0.99 108 101 111 122 110 104 96 102 107 105 111
JESUS 104 0.99 100 102 105 100 104 93 98 93 114 110 109
LISSEY 112 0.99 99 93 104 107 101 97 95 95 116 103 103
MAGMA P Polled heterozygous scht 97 0.99 107 111 105 122 111 118 110 121 108 109 115
MINOTORE 110 0.92 101 97 98 94 103 105 96 103 104 113 110
RAVIOLI New Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen new;ssm;ssf 105 0.97 112 120 106 107 124 118 113 121 96 108 124
GANDHI 99 0.97 95 98 105 99 94 98 103 100 97 88 88
SESAME 98 0.99 102 103 102 84 102 101 103 102 113 106 107
OFCROSS PP Polled homozygous schm 111 0.97 107 112 105 121 117 113 116 119 108 103 116
ISIS 108 0.99 107 92 109 99 106 99 92 96 119 110 111
LIKE P Polled heterozygous scht 103 0.98 107 94 108 93 106 112 93 107 104 103 106
JALABERT 107 0.99 98 100 101 111 102 110 96 107 117 121 114
MOBY PP Polled homozygous schm 96 0.99 116 105 105 90 116 122 104 121 125 94 112
MANOLO 114 0.99 106 86 108 95 104 103 90 99 120 102 104
NOUBA New new 103 0.96 106 103 111 102 109 103 101 103 113 107 111
OSSONS 107 0.99 114 102 118 98 118 109 93 105 120 101 116
ODRISCOL P Male Sexed Semen Polled heterozygous ssm;scht 109 0.99 100 106 103 104 107 106 105 108 105 108 110
PAPYRUS 105 0.96 104 114 107 103 113 107 105 108 104 108 116
PENNY P Polled heterozygous scht 120 0.98 103 100 104 102 111 104 100 104 117 101 110
PICAMOLES New new 114 0.95 110 103 113 93 117 104 101 104 99 104 114
SERIEUX PP New Female Sexed Semen Polled homozygous new;ssf;schm 100 0.51 108 109 106 101 112 107 97 105 111 101 111
RANTANPLAN New new 112 0.96 98 92 112 96 100 106 98 104 110 101 100
TULAGUI PP New Female Sexed Semen Polled homozygous new;ssf;schm 109 0.59 110 107 110 101 117 109 106 111 108 111 120
PIRLO P New Polled heterozygous new;scht 96 0.98 107 115 109 110 113 112 108 114 107 101 112
NEMO PP Polled homozygous schm 92 0.99 103 106 106 113 103 94 92 91 112 95 101
PLAYBOY P Female Sexed Semen Polled heterozygous ssf;scht 102 0.99 107 103 120 109 110 106 95 103 122 102 110
CYRANO 83 0.99 109 92 116 84 98 97 87 92 101 90 93
LASVEGAS 109 0.99 103 103 102 100 108 110 102 110 113 110 113
SILVER PPX Polled homozygous schm 113 0.60 97 108 102 108 108 105 101 107 107 110
DIAMANT 107 0.98 99 104 91 94 103 89 99 90 91 109 107
JARRET 111 0.99 108 105 115 102 115 108 98 106 116 102 114
SCORPION New Female Sexed Semen new;ssf 103 0.57 105 103 110 99 108 106 98 104 103 106 110
EPISODE 102 0.95 108 86 110 87 102 108 90 103 94 88 93
PHOENIX GB 92 0.87 110 103 102 89 107 99 96 97 103 97 105
MICKY 109 0.92 104 105 98 100 110 106 108 109 78 110 112
RIO P New Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen Polled heterozygous new;ssm;ssf;scht 104 0.98 114 109 113 115 119 106 101 106 104 109 121
REDOUT PPX Polled homozygous schm 105 0.74 103 118 93 126 113 103 103 109 97 111
SIMBA PPX Polled homozygous schm 124 0.52 113
HENRY APC 97 0.93 101 101 104 86 100 102 97 101 74 97 96
NUTS Male Sexed Semen ssm 100 0.99 120 113 113 102 125 111 92 106 121 113 129
MAORY P Polled heterozygous scht 99 0.99 104 102 105 104 105 100 107 103 115 95 103
ORIFLAM PP Polled homozygous schm 109 0.99 111 98 112 103 114 103 94 100 95 104 111
DALTON APC 77 0.97 91 104 90 99 84 100 107 103 116 88 84
MARECHAL 97 0.95 110 88 112 107 103 103 89 98 117 108 107
MIRVALT 110 0.98 92 103 97 106 98 94 104 96 88 108 101
MAGIQUE 96 0.99 116 123 110 102 125 123 109 124 133 97 123
NAVIRE 105 0.97 95 115 102 106 105 99 111 103 101 112 112
SOJA New Male Sexed Semen Female Sexed Semen new;ssm;ssf 117 0.60 107 110 109 102 119 114 109 116 103 107 118

The sexed doses produced by Sexing Technologies with technology owned by XY LLC and Inguran LLC must be used only for artificial insemination. YX® is a trademark of XY, LLC. SexedULTRA, SexedULTRA 4M, Sexing Technologies and STgenetics logos/brands, are trademarks of Inguran LLC.