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Special assets
Name Special assets Segments FacNais FacNais Rel. CRsev DMsev DSsev FOSsev ISEVR Avel Alait IVMAT
GEANT 76 0.91 98 101 97 103 82 111 108 94
ITALIEN 78 0.94 93 116 88 119 84 107 91 79
UNO 99 0.99 101 107 95 100 104 80 103 100
VIADUC 87 0.99 102 106 105 92 98 123 104 112
JACKY 83 0.98 113 106 115 96 111 96 97 107
FLEURON 89 0.94 91 105 96 120 83 105 97 83
MAGNIFIQUE 91 0.98 85 100 98 103 74 119 103 87
BELFORT 91 0.99 103 103 106 101 101 101 90 92
DOCTEUR 93 0.98 106 100 102 108 104 110 95 102
DOUTY 94 0.99 108 100 100 98 107 107 100 107
PAPILLON Female Sexed Semen Male Sexed Semen ssf;ssm 98 0.94 102 110 107 106 106 111
COUCOU 96 0.99 100 113 98 103 104 110 102 111
ILTON 96 0.99 114 97 122 97 116 109 90 109
LASKO 95 0.96 104 106 106 105 106 105 100 107
BOURVIL 98 0.99 97 105 96 93 97 117 96 100
OURASI 99 0.96 91 103 96 110 89 99 93
MARQUIS 99 0.98 111 100 106 94 115 102 98 111
ODEON 99 0.96 112 98 107 91 115 98 104
RAMBO 105 0.93 113 103 115 99 123 122
ROBERT 103 0.99 95 90 84 110 89 96 104 89
MIC MAC 102 0.97 107 97 109 99 110 102 113
RAPHIA 102 0.99 88 105 81 113 86 96 106 91
DALAIN 101 0.97 102 95 92 94 99 90 104 97
IVOIRE 100 0.97 108 111 92 88 115 56 108 107
JASON 99 0.97 113 105 98 96 119 93 93 107
UGOLIN 108 0.99 98 93 97 93 98 92 100 94
DACODAC 106 0.99 106 111 96 102 117 79 102 111
JAPOLIN 106 0.99 106 102 107 85 114 99 106 118
MALIN 106 0.98 98 85 115 92 94 99 88 83
MIROIR 108 0.99 86 109 80 115 89 91 103 92
PASTEL Male Sexed Semen ssm 108 0.98 103 107 107 102 113 112
LOULOU Male Sexed Semen ssm 109 0.94 91 99 94 102 93 97 99 93
ESSANDIA 114 0.99 91 92 83 96 92 88 90 78

The sexed doses produced by Sexing Technologies with technology owned by XY LLC and Inguran LLC must be used only for artificial insemination. YX® is a trademark of XY, LLC. SexedULTRA, SexedULTRA 4M, Sexing Technologies and STgenetics logos/brands, are trademarks of Inguran LLC.